20240518 How to Blog
I’m Torn
I’m having moments of indecision about how to blog and what things I use. I’ve been reading this post over and over. It’s a great post and it challenges some of what I think of as good enough and portable enough.
I write infrequently here and why? Because I use hugo and github actions to run my blog. I could in theory write posts from my mobile and other devices. All I really need to do is post markdown to github, push to main and off we go. But its slow, when I’m not on a desktop computer its tedious. Posting pictures is tedious.
Much like the post above, why can’t I simply put markdown and images in a folder and be done with it. When I first learned to write basic html pages that’s what it was. Put stuff in a folder and off you went. It really feels like we’ve built huge mechanisms that just keep people from really getting out the door.
I really have no answers, I sort of think the right answer is something like just a git repo as a web page. It’s easy in git to just publish files even through the web client be it github or something more ethical like codeberg. At one point I played with the idea of using git as a way to allow comments too. I wonder if its the right thing. It really is just a fancy file system and someone building a nice web interface for a remote copy.
Why are there so many tools in the way of just posting dog pics somewhere I have more agency over. It seems like it should be easy I can just use a repo full of markdown like this quick test of codeberg here. I can write markdown, post a photo and put up content on the web from anything.