Once upon a SteamDeck # As I continue exploring my SteamDeck I keep learning things about Linux I really never had to deal with as the “installer” or as a day to day developer using Linux tooling. The example today came up trying to get Ispell working within emacs. Generally as a Linux user or even MacOS user this has been a pretty simple excursion. Within emacs usually something to the effect of:
A smaller internet for end users # You know what I hate? When my perfectly fast computer struggles to render a web page which perhaps is giving me 1KB of useful information. Why is it faster for me to access the entire awesome CS book than it is to read two email messages on gmail? Why does my computers fan come on rendering the YouTube home page?
** Bloated JavaScript Hell **
About this post # This post is an older blog article I created when I tried out Medium a few years ago. The article is still on the internet but I detest the fact that Medium articles are not plain text, and not portable. This is just an attempt on my part to convert said article to markdown and get it back under my control.
The original post is from September 2020.
SteamDeck Fun # The steam deck really is a great device to poke around on. It’s funky as someone with Linux experience, it is very open but it has some opinionated setup from Valve. For example it uses an A/B scheme to roll back updates and this makes installing anything with Pamac/Pacman weird.
At the same point these things are kind of fun. It’s a new cave to explore.
The internet is becoming enshittified # I’ve been giving a lot of thought in the past year or so to what I see as one of the many troubles of our time. Having the ever growing mass of humanity that spends its time online, completely un-educated about being on a computer.
You know aside from the germs, global warming, endless wars and our continued tendency to crap all over anyone non-white cis male?